University Neighbourhoods Association
(604) 827-5158

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We are pleased to announce that the UNA has received funding under the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program for our project Live Well, Stay Strong: Brain Wellness, Digital Literacy, and Physical Health. This federal grant and contribution program supports projects that are led or inspired by seniors who are making a difference in the lives of others in their communities. The funding will be used to support activities in three focused areas of the Live Well, Stay Strong Project: brain health, technological skills, and physical fitness. The goal of the project is to reconnect with seniors, revive their strengths and invite them to rejoin community life. We are calling for input from seniors in the UNA community to help plan project activities to be implemented in Fall 2022. We are looking for suggestions and ideas, but also for community members’ passion, talents and skills to help us run the activities. Join us virtually to brainstorm what activities will lead to a successful implementation of the Live Well, Stay Strong Project. What are the best ways to use the funding in the three focused areas? What skills and abilities do you have to help with this project?


Kayla Kennedy